Thursday, October 2, 2014

Apple Picking in NYS

Fall is here, and one of our favorite ways to celebrate in WNY is to go Apple Picking! A few weeks ago, my crew and I went to our favorite apple picking spot on a Sunday morning.

Apple Picking in NYS

We like to go to Peter Baker Farm in Ransomville, NY. It's kind of a drive for us, but so worth it. The staff is incredibly friendly, they have two big inflatable bouncy things for the kids to play on, and they sell all sorts of homemade goodies that we cannot resist. Like chocolate covered caramel apples (uhh, yep!), fresh salsas and jams, farm-grown produce, and local honey and maple syrup. So we go for more than just the apples - it's also a day of play and stocking up on yummy, fresh, local yums.

It was an absolutely beautiful day to be outside with the family. We picked a 1/2 bushel of Macintosh, Cortland, and Ginger Gold apples - they are so delicious!

The kids had a lot of fun with it this year - it doesn't show on their faces, or anything ;)

The day we brought the apples home, we made an awesome Apple Crisp with vanilla ice cream (I like to use Betty Crocker's recipe - so simple, so good!) And we've been enjoying them sliced on their own or with caramel dip every day - yum, yum! Next on the list? The only pie I've ever been really good at making: The Pioneer Woman's rustic apple pie. It's SO delish - we've made it a few times before and it's a huge hit around here.

I love this little kick-off to fall each year. It's my fav, and kind of eases the blow of sending my kiddos off to school (wahhh, why can't they be babies for all time?!) We pick our own strawberries and blueberries every Summer, too, and I love getting the kids involved in that. It's not just something fun to do, or even just a tradition, but the kids get to see how food they buy at the store is grown, and even how it gets harvested. The experience opens up ways for them to ask questions about how it gets from tree or bush to the little containers in the produce department.

Here in the Northeast, we've got a apples everywhere this time of year! Though some varieties are already finished, it's not too late to go - there's still good picking to be had! I'm not sure about other states, but if you live in NY, you can find lots of U-pick options here:


I found this chart (above) from a local orchard that lists the timing of their apple varieties, and while this may not be exactly the same everywhere else, it should give you a good idea of when you can find your favs. Looks like it's a good time for the last four on the list, and they're great for baking!

We had a great time picking apples this year, and also came home with a giant sunny yellow mum, a jar of raspberry salsa, a mini loaf of homemade pumpkin bread, local honey and syrup, and a couple chocolate covered caramel apples (because, they're kind of the culinary highlight of my year!)

If you don't normally go apple picking, I highly recommend it. Think of all the yummy Pinterest recipes you'll get to try! ;)

Happy Fall from my little family Rych family! ;)
(My husband decided to take a nap for this photo, haha!)

Find Jenn on her blog, Dainty Revelations ( where she blogs about life with three boys, crafts, goal setting, home decor, and much more!

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  1. Great pictures! Apple picking is one of my favorite things to do in the Fall. Can't wait to go!

  2. I love apple picking! Last year was my first time ever going, and of course with my luck I got stung by a wasp, but the apples we got were THE most delicious apples I have ever tasted. We got a bunch of Macoun apples plus some homemade pumpkin butter (YUM!) I love that most of these apple picking places have their own little shops where they sell things like homemade baked goods and jams, etc. Totally captures the essence of fall :)

  3. We love going apple picking but I HATE bees so it's kind of a mixed feeling thing for me! I think it will be better when Carter is a little older though- right now he just tries to eat all the rotton ones off the ground!


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