Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Blog of the Week: {...a breezy life}

This week's blog of the week is written by one of our state reps, Brie!  Brie writes the blog {...a breezy life} all about her life and the changes that comes along with it!  Meet Brie:

Tell us a little about you:
I am a writer/SAHM living the dream in southern NJ. I have been married for six years to Pete, my RN/volunteer firefighter husband, and we are raising our nearly five year old son, PJ. I love books, coffee, music, trashy TV (think Honey Boo Boo), and Flyers Hockey!  

What is your blog about?
My blog is really just my own musings. I started it when I was a single work-a-holic, working two jobs and 80 hours a week. It has followed me through being engaged, married, pregnant, a new mother, mother of a child with Autism, woman who is separated from her husband, and reconciled wife. It is about my evolution, and everyone who is a part of that. 

What is your favorite spot to visit in the Northeast?
Oh, hands down, the Jersey Shore. The ocean is my happy place. My son PJ loves the ocean even more, and it has been the site of some of my favorite moments as a family. 

What do you love most about blogging?
Blogging is my form of therapy. I can get down on paper (on screen?) all of the things I might not be able to say out loud. It's my chance to record all of the amazing things that come with an ordinary life. 

What is your favorite form of social media?
Aside from my little blog, I am kind of in love with InstaGram! I love being able to share visual snapshots of all the little moments I might have missed otherwise. 

Where do you live and what do you love about it?
We live in southern NJ, and I love that we are an hour from the ocean. I love that we have all four seasons. I love that I live in the "Flyers Fan" part of NJ and not the"Jersey Shore" part. I love that I can see the Philadelphia skyline from Cooper River Park. I love begin tucked into a part of the world that is so close to other awesome places (NYC, Philly, Baltimore, DC). 

Brie is also the co-host of the Time for Mom Hop, a weekly hop for moms to share their blog posts and connect with other mom bloggers.

Here are a few of Brie's favorite posts, be sure to check them out and visit her blog this week to show her some blog of the week love!

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