Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Blog of the Week: Debra's Random Rambles

Welcome!  This week our blog of the week is Debra of Debra's Random Rambles!  Meet Debra:

My story is pretty simple. I'm a stay at home mom of 7. I am a retired Paramedic and I wouldn't have it any other way. My children and their ages are:

Adam 21 (moved out)
Zachary 15
Emily 14
Jordan 12
Abigail 8
Ethen 5
Deven 5

Yep, my youngest 2 are twins. Identical boys. I have been with my wonderful husband, Scott, for 17 years and we have been married for 12 of them. I'm so blessed that he is such a great dad and husband. He works hard to provide for us. 

I know what its like to grow up in hard times. My mom was a retired teacher by the time I was adopted and my dad was a Firefighter. We lived tight but we lived and I learned alot about the hard things. I can garden and do all the house stuff but I can also run a wood splitter, build things and change oil and tires

I live in Central Maine and except for the extreme weather changes in a 24 hr. period, its a great place to raise kids. We have 2 cats, and we used to have a dog until we realized that the twins were not friendly and nice to dogs. So we allowed him to adopt another family, after our careful screening.

Thanks for sharing with us Debra!  Be sure to check out her blog Debra's Random Rambles this week and say hi!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow Debra, you've a pretty interesting, and busy life! Though you look way too young to really have all those kids!
    Best Wishes and Good Luck in your blogging pursuits!


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