Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blog of the Week: P is for Preschooler

Come meet our new blog of the week- Emma of P is for Preschooler!
Hi! I'm Emma! I'm a stay-at-home mom to an almost-5-year old daughter. I love genealogy, reading (yep, totally nerd!) and trying to learn French (key word there- trying!). We live just outside Boston, Massachusetts. 
  My newest interest (read: obsession) is blogging.   P is for Preschooler is a blog about toddlers and preschoolers. I started it believing no one would read it and just wanting to keep a record of things my daughter and I did. Now my long-term goal for the blog is to be a resource to parents and caregivers for easy ways to learn and play with their little ones.
  Blogging has been an amazing creative outlet for me. I had forgotten how much I liked writing! And I've met so many other great bloggers. Hope you'll stop by and say "hi"!
Thanks Emma!  Be sure to check out her blog P is for Preschooler this week and say hi!

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  1. Emma has an awesome blog. Even though I don't have little ones anymore, I love reading her blog! Yeah for being blog of the week!

  2. YAY CONGRATS! :) she really deserves to be blog of the week! Great person and a wonderful blog.


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