Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Blog of the Week: VITA - Train for Life

Continuing with our Health & Fitness week theme, today's blog of the week is none other than fitness blogger, Allie, who writes the blog VITA- Train for Life!

Hello and welcome to my corner of the universe known as VITA - Train for Life (pronounced VEE TA) where I write about all things health and fitness with a dash of twin craziness. I want to thank Rachel and all the Northeast Bloggers for the support system they have created. It's been a great resource for me as well as a place I've found other great blogs and the bloggers behind them!  

It's always so challenging to condense who you are into this space. How shall I describe all that is me in one blog post? Well, hopefully you'll read more then one but really...who has that kind of time? In the interest of that time, here's a three-part answer that is based on my different personalities: 

My most recent half-marathon PR! woot woot

 Personality #1: Fitness Freak Yep, I'm a freak and I will totally admit it. I love to run and race. In fact, I haven't really met a race I don't like...except maybe for the Triathlon because it involves swimming...and maybe also because the last time I won one I was dissed pretty hard by my local paper. You can read about that HERE. I also competed in the National Duathlon Championship (run/bike/run event) in Tuscon, AZ last October where I qualified to represent Team USA at the World Championship at the end of June! You can read about that HERE and HERE. In addition to running and racing, I'm a group fitness instructor and personal trainer and I used to own a private studio. Then I got pregnant with twins.

Yep. I'm so proud. 

Personality #2: Mother of Twins It's a pretty funny story and you can read about that here. Are they identical? Who the hell knows? You can read about that here. They are almost five now and drive me completely out of my mind. You can read about that here and the massive meltdown I had because of them here. I really do love them or else I would have left home long ago. I will never regret becoming a SAHM and, I'm sure very soon, I will miss these days.

My Key West wedding...worth waiting for!

Personality #3: Wife/Daughter/Sister/Friend My husband and I have been married for 8 years. We were married on a beach in Key West and it was awesome. I did, however, call off the wedding the first time around which you can read about here

My dad is an amazing one. My mom died of ovarian cancer when I was 17 and my dad has been an unbelievable mom and dad to me and my brother and you can read all about that here

My older brother is awesome and lives in upstate NY where my meltdown occurred. And, of course, where would I be without my friends? Not sharing my life on this blog, that's for sure! You can read all about that here.  

If you just did a quick skim and clicked on nothing...I don't blame you. If you're still interested and have 50 seconds 3 minutes, you can watch this video and get the gist.  Thank you so much for reading! I do hope you'll visit and/or leave a comment. I always respond. And, if you follow me on Bloglovin, Twitter, FB, Pinterest and Instagram I'll really feel the love...and I'll stalk follow you back.

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  1. Congratulations! I love that you got married in Key West. I lived in South Florida for about three years and went to the Keys often. And, as a Jimmy Buffett fan, it's pretty much a requirement to make the pilgrimage at least once. ;-) Love your blog! New follower here. :-) Cheers!

  2. Congrats! Nice 'meeting' you.Great pics :)

  3. Nice to meet you! You have a ton of great stories!

  4. Thanks so much! The Keys are amazing and yes, I'm also a Parrothead :-) We went back for our five year anniversary and stayed at the same hotel (Casa Marina) and had so much fun. I can't wait to go again!

  5. Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it.

  6. Thanks Anna! Nice to meet you too...

  7. Nice! That's where I saw Jimmy play at a MOTM convention one year. SO much fun!! I can't wait to go back and do another Duval Crawl.


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