Monday, April 14, 2014

Guest Post: 6 Creative Ways to Use Washi Tape!

Today's guest post comes to us from Faith who writes over at Design Fixation. Faith shares some easy DIY ideas for using washi tape!

For Christmas I was lucky enough to receive a gigantic washi tape organizer filled with washi tape in every color. (Thanks Mr. & Mrs. P!) With all that beautiful tape just begging to be enjoyed, I started brainstorming creative ways to use it. Here's what I've come up with....

Make your paperclips stand out! Use striped ones for a new twist. And you could try 
cutting the washi tape straight across or on the diagonal for a different look.

Did you ever pretend to cut your finger when you were a kid just so you could wear a 
pretty bandaid? You'll want to do that with these black and white geometric ones too.

Here's an instant name tag for your wine or cocktail glass. Or you can 
affix a piece of washi to the side instead, if you're using a rocks glass.

No need to use those boring old solid colored bookmark flags anymore... 
just fold a piece of washi tape over onto itself, leaving a bit of the 
sticky side out to affix to the book or magazine page.

Same concept as the previous drink name tag idea, but different 
execution... using paper straws. You could also write a cute 
message on the flag if you're hosting a themed party.

Try using colored toothpicks for some extra pizzazz. These are great 
for labeling cheeses, or any food really, when you're entertaining.

Have you tried any of these ideas? It's fun to try new approaches to classic ideas... Be sure to leave a comment with any other creative ideas that you've come up with.

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  1. Cute ideas! I'm a huge Washi Tape fan! :)

  2. Love the idea of using Washi on straws and picks for parties!

  3. Thanks, glad you like my ideas! Washi is super fun to use... so versatile :)


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