Monday, April 21, 2014

Northeast Travel: Portland, ME

Have you ever thought about traveling to Portland, Maine?  If not todays guest post will definitely make you want to go!  Today Jess of Styled by Jess shares her Weekend in Portland post with us!

A Weekend in Portland, Maine

My husband and I were lucky enough to escape to Portland, Maine over the weekend for a little second babymoon before our little one arrives soon (our first babymoon when I was pregnant with Z was in Southampton). We decided there were really 2 main priorities for this weekend away – to eat and rest. I know that sounds gluttonous and lazy, but at least there was lots of walking in between meals AND we are parents to a wild toddler so we really just needed a rest.

Portland is known for their restaurant scene and we were excited to try it out (I had been to Portland a few times years ago, but my husband had never been). We did a little research and found out that if you love food you must try Fore Street. We called a few weeks in advance and could only get a reservation for Friday night so we hustled up there Friday evening and boy was it worth it. And by the way, I happened to see a photo on Instagram from a friend who was also in Portland for a bachelorette party and she posted a photo from Fore Street the very next night – it’s THE place to go!

Want to find out more?  Wondering where she got this yummy looking whoopie pie?  Head over to Jess' blog to read the rest of the post here!!

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1 comment:

  1. I love Portland- I've been there several times and I don't think making food a priority is gluttonous at all! And yes, right now I'm drooling over that whoopie pie ;)


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