Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Blog of the Week: Fel's Photos

This week's blogger of the week is Felicia who writes the blog Fel's Photos!  Meet Felicia:

My name is Felicia Moore and I love photography! Living in the beautiful (and large) state of Pennsylvania gives me plenty to photograph, and so I designed this website to share the view. Aside from being an aspiring photographer, though, I am also well on my way to becoming a couples, marriage, and family therapist. People have always interested me, and so they too, like the natural beauty of the Pennsylvania scenery, are often the subjects of my photos. Wherever I go, I find people, places and things to take new pictures of. My husband can certainly attest to this. When not spending time taking pictures or pursuing my career as a therapist, I enjoy spending it with friends and family, singing, writing, and watching TV and movies.

I hope that you enjoy my photographs and what I am doing over at Fel’s Photos. Join me in traveling around not only Pennsylvania, but also around the world. Come see what I see and experience what I experience through my photographs.

Thanks for sharing Fel!  Be sure to check out her blog this week and say hi!

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1 comment:

  1. Yay Felicia! I love seeing the world through other people's photos :)


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