Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Blog of the Week: Breakfast with Bentley

This week's blog of the week is Breakfast with Bentley!  Breakfast with Bentley is written by Kristine and is about a little bit of everything!  Meet Kristine and Bentley!

Tell us a little about you:
My name is Kristine and I'm a native New Yorker. I am a former high school English teacher and last year, decided to make a huge career move. Now, I work at a law firm in the marketing department and I handle their social media accounts and their events.

Best. Decision. Ever.

I will be married two years this May (time flies!) to my best friend. We have a boxer named Bentley who is the most amazing dog and friend. We love to go out to dinner, binge on Netflix and play Cards Against Humanity with our friends (where wine is definitely involved).

In my spare time, I like to watch reruns of the original Beverly Hills, 90210, sweat at a Hot Yoga class, get together with my girlfriends, take walks around the neighborhood with Bentley, read a good book, and create blog posts. I also started an Etsy Shop last year where I create ornaments out of wedding invitatiosn. 

What is your blog about?
My blog is a little bit of everything. I share everything from wedding planning advice, successful recipes, DIY projects, reviews of restaurants, funny childhood stories, inspirational quotes... I insert my sarcasm/humor in the majority of my posts. I'm always trying new things and I like to share my experiences with others.
Bentley sometimes will write a post or two, but he is often found sleeping in the sunshine in the corner of our house.

What is your favorite spot to visit in the Northeast?
The beach! I live on Long Island, so the beach is practically in my backyard! Once the weather gets warmer, I love to take my bike and head for the boardwalk. I also recently fell in love with Montauk. It's such a quaint, beach town and my husband and I love to vacation there in the summer. 

What do you love most about blogging?
I love all of the great people I have met along the way. I started blogging in July 2014 with little to no idea what I was doing. I reached out to some great bloggers who have guided me and given me some great advice. I've formed friendships with these ladies and I'm very fortunate.
I also love writing. It's a great creative outlet and I want to share my experiences with the world. 

What is your favorite form of social media?
If you asked me two years ago, I probably would've said Facebook. But times have definitely changed and my favorite form of social media would have to be a tie between Twitter and Instagram. I LOVE taking pictures (don't even ask how many I have on my old Flickr account) so Instagram was a natural fit for me.
I love how informative and interactive Twitter can be; I can get involved in a Twitter chat with bloggers from the UK or I can tweet with a celeb, or I can share random thoughts and people from all over respond within minutes... it's pretty wild. 

Where do you live and what do you love about it?  
I live on Long Island and I love that we are a hop, skip and jump away from New York City, and about two hours from Montauk.
We get the best of both worlds here: the beach and the city life. You just can't beat that!

Thanks Kristine!  Be sure to check out her blog this week and follow her on social media!      

Check out some of her favorite posts:
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  1. Hi Kristen! Congratulations on being the featured blog of the week! Winks and Eyerolls

  2. Yay!!!!!! Breakfast with Bentley is amazing, just like Kristine! Thanks for giving us a little more insight into my favorite blogger!


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