Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentine's Day on a Budget: Good for the Heart and the Wallet

Hi everyone! I'm Kelly. I am one of the Massachusetts reps, and I write A Lovely Life, Indeed

This morning, my sweet husband asked me about our plans for Valentine's Day, or more specifically, whether we had any, and if we did not, what was it that I wanted to do. 

I probably gave him the answer that many men want, but one that they may or may not suggest themselves.

"Let's stay in," I said. 

The eyebrow went up and he was quiet for a moment, only to be reassured when he heard my reasoning. 

For starters, he has been teaching a class on Saturdays for the last six weeks, so we have been playing catch up on weekends. Also, we're going away with friends next weekend, so a romantic night in sounds great. 
Valentine's Day may be a Hallmark holiday, but nevertheless, it is the perfect day to show a little love. 

Luckily, love doesn't have to break the bank. 

Also, in keeping it low key, you focus on the one you love, without having to buy into the commercial nonsense that dilutes the magic of the night. 

And when it comes down to it, isn't it better canoodling with your plus one at home, rather than waiting for a rushed, overpriced, pre-fixe, and perhaps, mediocre meal at an overcrowded bar or restaurant?

Here are some ways to celebrate the love of Valentine's Day and keep to your spending goals at the same time.

1. Set the tone. Put a note in his lunch...romantic or naughty and inviting. Give him a clue as to what's to come. 

2. Flirt throughout the day. Send a text, loving or suggestive. Build the excitement and carry it throughout the day.

3. Stay in. We make homemade pizza and open a bottle of wine. He makes the pizza and opens the wine and I, well, I sip the wine, dig out the supplies and occasionally flick a little flour around to start a little trouble. 

Markup on drinks average 300-400%. Why not stay in with a bottle of your own wine, some food to get you through the night, and a little Diana Krall or Chris Botti on Pandora? You set the stage. You control the ingredients.  You make the magic.

And, if you're not lucky enough to have a working fireplace in your home, you can always channel your own via Neflix...seriously. 

The cozy view courtesy of Netflix

4. Celebrate with friends. Couples' night or Girls' Night In...have people over and celebrate with tapas and sangria, or whatever flavor palate suits your fancy. 

5. Borrow from his closet. I don't know if it's in their DNA, but guys... or at least my guy... loves the idea of me donning one of his shirts. Who needs expensive lingerie? Try the work shirt. Or a tie and heels...you're good to go. A win-win.

Can you go out and break the bank with reservations at a fancy restaurant, drinks at a trendy bar, flowers to decorate your home or office, and gifts to mark the day? Absolutely. 

But, if you're on a plan to eliminate debt or grow your savings, or if you simply prefer to have your beloved to yourself, and not share among the throngs of others celebrating among you, then a romantic night in may be just the thing.

It's good for the wallet, it's good for the heart, and if you play your cards right, it's good for the body. 


What are some of your romantic, low-budget date night ideas?

Thank you to Northeast Bloggers Network for letting me guest post. If you're looking for an upbeat blog about love, travel and the good life, visit me at A Lovely Life, IndeedHave a great week!

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