Monday, August 25, 2014

NYC Blogger Meet Up

Hi Everyone!

It's Karen your NY State Rep. I'm so excited to say that a meet up is in the works to take place in NYC! It's been a long time coming and I have high hopes for a great event. First off, I know it's hard to come up with a date that will work for everyone but I went ahead and chose Saturday, October 11th. September is a crazy month with settling into new routines and hopefully October will give everyone enough time to plan ahead. Plus, I think we can all agree, NYC in the fall is beautiful!
Right now our meeting place will be in Central Park. As we get closer, I'll post more info with the exact location in the park (yes I know, it's huge!).

Please submit this form so I can get idea of how many people will be attending.

Thanks everyone and please feel free to email me directly with any questions or ideas:

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  1. I so so so would love to come but that is the weekend of my sister's wedding! Please let me know about any future events- thank you!

  2. Ugh. I leave the city most every long holiday weekend. I'll be visiting family. Hopefully we can do another after this at some point, really would love to go.

  3. The one weekend I have a family event :( I'm so bummed.


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