Monday, August 11, 2014

Welcome to Our New Team Members!

We are excited to announce a few changes coming to our community this fall!  Our state reps are now going to be regular contributors to the blog and along with that we have also added a few new team members!  Don't worry, we will still be accepting guest post as well!

We are also working hard to bring you some meet up events this fall as well!  Please let us know if you have an idea for an event in your area and we can try to work it out!

And now let's introduce our new Team members!

Rosa from CT

Rosa lives in CT with her husband, four children and new fur baby Coco.. Sharing ideas and lifestyle moments with others who have similar passions is her motivation for blogging.  It is her goal to inspire and be inspired by all who visit.

Valerie from NJ

Valerie is a post-grad twenty-something born and raised in New Jersey with big dreams for her future. She started blogging to document her life post-college and all the ups and downs that the "real world" brings. Through her blog and writing, she hopes to inspire others to dream big, pursue their passions and always follow their hearts.

 Ellie from MA.
Ellie is married with two boys and has lived in the Northeast (specifically New England) her whole life! She loves using technology to create fuller, yummier, more colorful life for her family and friends. She blogs about life and technology.

Bethany from VT

Bethany is an almost 30, beauty and fashion enthusiast, living in the state of Vermont with her "manfriend", two chihuahuas, cat, and parakeet. All about being eco-conscious and sustainable. Likes yoga, photography, shopping, and learning new things.

Kim from ME

Kim is a student studying journalism who is obsessed with blogging and all things girly. Born and raised in the beautiful state of Maine, she is attending college in Portland and probably spending too much money at all the shops downtown. She blogs about fashion and beauty and loves the beach, photography, nail polish, and adventuring.

Amy from RI
We are also welcoming back Amy as a state contributor as well!

Amy is a twenty-something Rhode Island lifestyle blogger, married to her soldier husband Brian.  When Amy isn't blogging, she is working full-time as a Graphic Artist and part-time as a freelance Graphic Designer. Amy and Brian love to travel. Some of Amy's hobbies include scrapbooking, photography, and her newest, fishing.

Larisha from NJ
Last but not least, welcome Larisha as our new Twitter/social media assistant!

Larisha writes a natural parenting blog focusing on topics such as breastfeeding, cloth diapering, babywearing, baby led weaning, bedsharing, and having a healthier and better eating lifestyle. Additionally, there's lots of yummy recipes, travel recommendations, and of course products reviews and giveaways! Follow along the journey of first time parents!

Welcome new Team Members!  Please check out our blog's Team Page later this week for updated information about our new team members, including links to their blogs and social media!

Connect with us!
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  1. Congrats to all of you! I look forward to getting to know and connect with your blogs!


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