Monday, November 10, 2014

Blogging Inspiration

I have been blogging for well over ten years, since before the term "blogging" was even a thing. If you're also a person who writes, you know all of its benefits. Blogging helps to tell a story, your story, and the blank screen can act as a friend, therapist, blank canvas and employer.

My blog has evolved as I have. When I started, I was a twenty something, with my first "real" job and living in my first "real" place. It's followed me all the way into parenthood, documenting all of the changes along the way. I have always been drawn to writing, and as I grew as a person, I found myself sitting in front of the computer more often, ready to document the happenings of any particular day into posterity. The screen became the place I would turn to inscribe my feelings about a good day, something delicious I tried, anything that was making me cranky, and the moments that were too beautiful not to share.

For me, it was always a natural thing, as I think it is for anyone who writes. In the same way that a photographer will carry his or her camera to capture a moment, I would find myself jotting down ideas or turns of phrase for me to complete when I was able to write. Even within the confines of my very ordinary life, I found that I didn't want to miss a moment. Blogging meant that not only could I capture a moment in the now, I would have it stored away forever.

Despite the fact that I am writing about my own life (on my personal blog), I can still sometimes fall victim to writers block. I find that this is most likely to happen when I have <i>too much</i> to talk about. If there's something too heavy, too real, or too honest, I sometimes have a hard time getting started. When that happens, I just take a deep breath and start typing. Eventually, something that resembles the story I want to tell pours out. My friend Jacob Kruger gave me this advice, and it has made all of the difference in the times when I am crippled by writers block. (NYC-area writers should really consider taking one of his classes. Jake is an incredibly talented writer and teacher and also, a wonderful person!)

Being someone who writes acts as a challenge in and of itself. The amazing, beautiful, terrible, heart wrenching, wonderful moments in life inspire me to put them down into words, and wanting to write allows me to find the loveliness in the moments that may have otherwise passed me by. When I was much, much younger, this meant scribbling feverishly in notebooks and diaries (girls, remember the ones with the little heart-shaped locks on them?) and now, it looks like sitting at my laptop, usually with a coffee next to me. The method of inscription has changed, but the need to write is the same.

Why do you write? What inspires you??

Brie Latini is a writer, mother, wife, sister, friend, and lover of books, coffee, and trashy TV. She tells her stories at her personal blog, {...a breezy life}, and has been featured at Mamalode, Jersey Moms Blog, and Virtua Woman.

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