Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday 5: Five Photos from our Philly Meet-Up!

Welcome back to Friday 5s!  I have been so excited to share all about the first ever North East Bloggers meet up we had in Philly a few weeks ago!

All pictures by Jacq of the blog justjacq!

1. Our goody bag table!  We had several items for all the bloggers who came including special treats from our sponsors The Paper Sonnet and Circus Berry!

2. Bloggers chatting about blogging, of course!  Actually it was just fun to get to know each other and we talked about our lives and all sorts of things!

3. Steph was the winner of the handmade purse we gave away from our sponsor On 3 Designs! (Julie, on the right, is the creative mind behind On 3 Designs!)

4. Our smallest participant is probably thinking "wait a minute, you mean you write stories about me on your blog!?"

5.  Our final picture at the end of the meet up!  Marla, Jacq, Steph, Julie and Rachel!  Not pictured: Peggy.

The meet up was a lot of fun and I hope we can do it again sometime!  In total 6 of the 13 bloggers who RSVPed showed up, hopefully next time we can get more participants!   It was great meeting some fellow NE bloggers!

If you're interested in planning a North East Bloggers meet up in your area email me and let me know!

Connect with us!


  1. Had a great time meeting everyone! As you can see, I am no professional photographer ;-)

  2. Looks like it would have been fun. And I could have been the lone guy if I had been able to wander down that weekend! ;)

  3. Ahh! I'm one of the 13 who RSVP'd but I received the reminder email so late the day before, I wasn't able to make it. Looks like you guys had a great time! Looking forward to future meet-ups.


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