Thursday, September 5, 2013

Guest Post: How to Send Blog Post in HTML

Today's guest post comes from Jacquelyn over at the blog justjacq.  She gives us a great tutorial on how to send guest post over in html format!
Okay, maybe you know this and if you do, just move right along. I just figured this out a few months ago. Go ahead, point and laugh. 

When I first started guest posting on other blogs I'd send over a freaking word document with [insert photo1 here] [insert photo2 here]. Ummmm I was so annoying! I apologize profusely to all those bloggers. But I just didn't know the proper way to send a guest post and no one ever corrected me. 

Then one day someone asked for the html of the post. Excuse Moi? 

So being the smarty pants that I am I put on my thinking cap and figured out how to do it. 

Now that I'm blog famous and have people guest post on here, I thought it would be nice to share how to send html. I've sent instructions to a few people so I figured this is something a few people can use. Feel free to share this to anyone who doesn't know! 

Okay, I use Wordpress so I tweeted asking for a Blogger blogger to help me out for the Blogger users. Then I got impatient waiting for an answer so I texted my blog bff and asked her if she used Blogger or wordpress. 

Wordpress 1. Write your post in the Text tab (click on the image below to make it bigger and easier to see!) 

text tab

2. Include the images like you would if you were writing the post for yourself. 

 3. Copy everything, paste it in an email, and send it to the person! Hey this is Kaara, and I'm the bff Blogger blogger Jacq is talking about... Here's my instructions for sending your Blogger HTML to guest post on someone's blog: 

Blogger 1. Write your post including pictures under the COMPOSE tab. (It should automatically already open this way when you go to write a new post)
blogger text tab

2. Switch it over to HTML in the upper left corner (next to compose) once you're finished writing your post. 

3. Copy it in HTML and paste it into an email. That's it. Seriously. Now what does that person do with the html? If they are on Wordpress they go to their text tab and paste it in exactly how you sent it. The images will appear like magic when it publishes! If they are on Blogger, paste it into a new post under the HTML tab then switch it over to COMPOSE with one simple click! and voila! Magic. 

Follow Jacq on Bloglovin', Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for more Blogging Tutorials!

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Today's guest post comes from Jacquelyn of the blog justjacq. Jacquelyn is a NE blogger from Pennsylvania who loves making list, hand written notes and hopes to one day become a yoga instructor.


  1. Great post! I will be referring to this for many of my sponsors!

  2. A much needed post! I've had to learn my way through this bit by bit but having it as a reference now will be awesome.

  3. Seriously the best tip right now! Thank you! It's such a duh moment hahaha!

  4. I once had a famous blogger that had agreed to guest post for me...she asked me how I wanted it sent, by HTML? I responded that I didn't know what that meant. Needless to say, she never emailed me again. UGH! Thanks for this....hope it's not too late to get her back! :)


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