Thursday, October 9, 2014

Halloween DIY: Witchy Candy Jars

Is anyone else amazed at how fast Halloween is approaching? It's only a few short weeks away, and let's face it, the weeks fly by in no time.

Today I'm sharing a little Halloween DIY that I made with my daughter. It was inspired by Halloween crafts I saw on Pinterest (of course). I'm one of those annoyingly crafty people. You know, always with the glue gun and always making something for any occasion. My craft stock supply drives my husband crazy. Anyway, this is just a cute little Halloween craft that takes no time or craft genius at all.

These witchy candy jars are cute for Halloween party favors, a teacher gift, or just as decoration. All you need are a mason jar (any size), black construction paper, ribbon, scissors and some strong glue (I used my trusty glue gun).

Here's what you do:
  1. Trace a circle using the top of your mason jar and cut out a circle. (You can see mine is not perfect.)
  2. Cut out a half moon shape slightly larger than your circle. This will be the top of your witch hat.
  3. Glue the circle to the top of the mason jar. This is your hat brim.
  4. Fold the half moon into a pointed cylinder and glue together.
  5. Put glue on the bottom of your pointed cylinder and attach to the hat brim. Now you have your witch hat.
  6. Glue your choice of ribbon along the edge of the mason jar lid. This will hide it. I also cut a thinner piece of ribbon and glued it to where the top of the witch hat meets the brim.
  7. Make sure everything is dry and secure before unscrewing the top and adding your candy. I used these candy corn flavored M&M's...yum.

And there you have it! See, not so hard. If you decide to give it as a little gift, be sure to accept your craftiness praise. Wishing you all a very Happy Halloween!

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